Monday, March 26, 2012

"Hey You Guys- Knock it Off"

The following is a script of a very short play by, Yours Truly.

"Hey You Guys- Knock It Off"
(opening scene) A group of young people are gathered together behind a school building after school lets out. As the Assistance Principal and PE Instructor, Mr. Jenkins comes around the corner of the building, he sees a group of kids yelling and egging on two boys engaged in an after-school fight. As Jenkins gets closer he sees the two boys rolling on the ground, clothes torn, punching each other, cursing, and exchanging head-locks in what appears to be a death match. The crowd doesn't even notice Jenkins as they are transfixed on the brawl, each encouraging their own favorite in the fight.

 (Jenkins wades through the crowd and grabs each boy- separating them by the scruff of the neck) Jenkins:  "Hey you guys-knock it off"
Ricky: (keeps trying to fighting against Jenkins' grasp- flailing wild punches in Mitts' direction) "let me go- I want that SOB- let me at 'em".
Mitts: (still in fighting stance- but more controlled) "ya, let him go- he asked for this- and I'm gonna give it to 'em".
Jenkins: "That's enough from both of you yah-hoos- and the rest of you better pipe down too. You should all be ashamed. All this cheering these two on isn't solving anything. (looking back and forth at Mitts and Ricky) "now who started this?
Mitts: "He did" ........      Ricky: No! he did!
Jenkins: "Somebody better tell me how this got started before you both get kicked outa here for good."
Mitts: "Look, all I was trying to do was get what was mine. Everybody knows I was next in line for the nomination- that's the way it works around here. I lost last time to John and the rules are; that I get it this time. I've been working on this for years. I've collected a ton of money and all the guys who run this place said I could have the nomination this time. Then this guy suddenly thinks he's hot stuff. He starts calling me names- telling lies about me- and generally pisses me off. It's like, hey what a jerk- didn't anybody explain the rules to this loser."
Ricky: Who you callin' a loser?- loser!  .....   Mitts: " You!- loser. You couldn't even hold your job in Pennsylvania. And when we did all those stupid debates, you were way out on the end of the stage and nobody cared about you. If all those other losers hadn't dropped out you'd still be raising your hand, jumping up and down trying to get noticed. You were a nobody then, and you're a nobody now. You're just the last guy hanging around and you don't even know you're finished here."
Ricky: "If I'm finished, how come I'm beating you every other primary election, smart guy?"
(Ricky starts swinging wildly at Mitts again, with his feet kicking while Jenkins holds him in place) Jenkins: "That's enough outa you . Settle down Ricky- now what's your lame-ass excuse for this spectacle?
Ricky: "I have just as much right to this nomination as he does. Old Richy-Rich over there thinks he can walk in like he owns the place and stake his claim-without even standing for anything. He thinks he's big deal because he has all that money. He just throws his big money around buying TV commercials that say bad things about me. (looking straight at Mitts) How about you, you phony? All these guys here want me to win because you're just a big phony and everybody knows it. No one trusts you, you faker. (crowd cheers)
Mitts: " I'm not a phony! People just like me when I say stuff they like to hear. So I say whatever will make people happy. I care about people- (voice trailing off) and trees- and lakes- and pancakes, and cars....(louder voice now)What about you, Debbie Downer? You just go around trying to be "Mr. holier than thou",  with all your "contraception is just wrong" crap- and "college is for snobs" junk. You don't know anything. You don't have single good  idea of your own.  So I'm here to teach you a lesson."
Ricky: "Butt head!" .........Mitts: "Ass face!"..........Ricky: 'Moderate!"......... Mitts: "Economic Lightweight!
Jenkins: "ENOUGH! Both of you shut up!"
( at this point a  pudgy older kid steps through the crowd, with what looks like a lifeless blow-up doll with blond hair)
Newty: "This is a breathtakingly stupid fight. Both of you need to drop out of this fight immediately so I can explain the how Calista and I will solve every problem on the planet (and some on the moon) from an historical perspec....
Jenkins, Mitts, Ricky, Crowd (in unison) SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!    ( Newty and Calista then depart for a European cruise to continue seeking the nomination on their own- with a case of Newty's books to sell)
Jenkins: " Whew- thank god that guy's gone- he's a bigger blow-hard than you two. Now listen up while I tell you something. This is a stupid fight. If you would think for a change, you'll see nothing is gonna get better with the two of you fighting like this. I've been around here a long time, so you need to take it from me- nothing good can happen. The two of you are just proving  that our school can't pick a team to go against the other guys next fall. You're making us, and yourselves, look petty and dumb. I'm going to settle this fight right here and now- and here's the truth: This thing keeps going on and on because most people don't like either one of you. Ricky, lets face it, you don't have much to offer. You just got trounced in your own state, and Mitts has a point about this 'holier than thou' thing. You may think you're morally superior, but you are out of step, son. The only people who are buying this anti-gay, anti-birth control, aspirin between the knees, ultra- religious nonsense, are those kooks out on the far right fringe. In the mean time every other woman in the country thinks you're nuts. Even the Catholic voters are voting for the Mormon guy over here. Why do think you only win in those bible-belt states. Buy a clue- you ain't so popular where most of the people actually live. (turning to Mitts)
Mitts, you have to know that no one believes a word you say because you keep changing your story. Jeez man, sometimes you change your position in the same sentence. People don't like that. You come off as some insincere, say anything, flip-flopper. When you were a governor, you were a moderate- some might say, almost liberal. Denying it now isn't going to fly- they have you on tape. The businessman rap isn't going to help much either because we all know you just did the Gordon Gekko thing- buying up companies and selling off the parts. Bain Capital? You trying to say that's what America stands for? Didn't you see "Wall Street"? People hated Gekko!............Now, I know you have the money and the friends to get you what you want. And the truth is we usually give it to the next guy in line- even if we hate him. So, here's the way it's gonna be. Mitts, you get the nomination! Ricky, you'll be the next guy in line four years from now, if you haven't joined a monastery or something. BUT- you both have to stop this fight. If you don't, you will just destroy each other and any chance we have left- Got it?
And I've got something to say to all you idiots cheering for this fight. This is partly your fault. Make up your mind! Some of you want this-some of you want that. This isn't a contest to see who can say the most outrageous right-wing stuff- but that's what you've made it. If you want our team to win, you better fall in line and quit egging these bozos on. We need our guy talking about the real issues, not having these two spending their time and their money saying "I'm the real conservative", "etch-a-sketch man" and crap like that. The game is over. Now get serious. Nothing left to see here- all of you go home and don't let me catch you standing around watching a pointless fight like this again.

(closing scene: Jenkins stands alone with Mitts and Ricky as the crowd shuffles away. The two are sniffling, adjusting their tattered clothes,  and staring at each other as Jenkins places a hand on each boys' shoulder.)

Jenkins: "I hope you learned something from this. We're a team. We have stay together to fight the real enemy. All you boys have done is waste money and time to tear each other down so now nobody likes either one of you. Nobody wins like that. By now you gave the other guys enough ammunition, fighting each other, to wreck us next fall. Your ridiculous fight is making this look like a clown show. This has to stop. I want you guys to shake hands and call it quits with this senseless feud. OK?
( Mitts and Ricky each slowly reach their hands toward one another and briefly shake hands without making eye contact)
Jenkins: Good! Glad we settled this. Now it's on to Tampa.
(Mitts and Ricky walk away from each other, with their heads down as each mutters a barely audible phrase)
Ricky: "See ya in Tampa, Butt Head"....................................Mitts: " See ya there, Ass Face"

The End

Thanks for looking in.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Low Information in the Computer Age

Last week a Facebook friend posted a link about the Justice Department issuing an injunction on Texas' new voter ID law, along with a comment questioning it. I piped in with a comment that I favored the injunction. Within minutes another friend of my friend's (someone I don't know) was all over the comment with his own opinions. This other guy used the link to call the President a liar and a destructive person etc. etc. My friend thoughtfully asked me to explain my earlier comment so I gave some reasons why I think this trend in Republican controlled states is wrong. You guessed it- person # 3 (who doesn't know me) lays into me about the absurdity of my comments (and all liberals) and goes into wild generalizations that included everything from abortion to the Black Panthers- with every Fox News talking point in between. I got out of that exchange because Facebook clearly is no place for intellectual debate- and I could see I was only spinning my wheels with a person who isn't open to other ideas. (his immediate move to name-calling tipped me off) This fellow was so entrenched in the dogma of his beliefs and his anger that he had given up all reason- so much so that he couldn't even stay on the topic.

The whole incident got me thinking about why it is almost impossible to have a conversation over an issue without it immediately turning ugly, personal, and worst of all- stupid! It seems the issues of the day cannot be discussed in a civil fashion anymore. I'm not the first to notice this trend by a long shot, but I just couldn't help commenting given my small experience on Facebook, and the very big experience we're going through now- selection of our leaders. This is the most important time to apply reason, science and the wealth of information available to us in this election process, and all processes in our daily lives. Sadly, I see the opposite happening.

The irony of having this incredible information machine literally at our finger tips and not using it to improve our minds and our personal store of information is a greatest mystery to me. In high school I was a pretty good debater. Debaters need two qualities; one, they must possess a good speaking style, and two, they must have evidence to present. We also had argue both sides of the question with equal enthusiasm. Back then we had to spend hours pouring through articles and papers in a library- copy down info- catalog it- and organize the data. Today's technology is light years ahead of where we were only one generation ago. Today, nearly the entire store of human knowledge and information is right there in our homes. Think of that- today nearly all of us have access to the entire scope of knowledge ever acquired by humanity. That makes the Internet the most awesome human creation to date. It is the Gutenberg press of our millennium- on steroids! So, why don't we use it? This isn't about being smart, or smarter- it's about being informed.

I believe the answer lies in the cultural and political changes that began about thirty years ago with the development of the modern conservative movement. This is the movement that somehow convinced us that we needed to move backward in our evolution as a people. This is where the seeds of regression began. We see it in those who are anti-science- those who want to roll back civil rights and worker rights- want to take back advances for women- those who value ignorance over education. The call to power and wealth utilized a prejudice against the social advances of the previous generation that helped create a strong middle class and brought about social changes that threatened old guard advantages, i.e. white men. So the move was on to reclaim lost territory- with very convincing spokesmen. I admit they were good at delivering the message. Let me give you just a few examples of this thinking in recent times.

In the last ten years there has been a wave of attempts to discredit Darwin's theory of Evolution by Natural Selection in schools. Each year the fossil and biological evidence in support of Evolution increases by leaps. Yet the forces of religiously based Creationism want it taught in schools- when there isn't one scientific principle to support it. On the environment and climate change, the data is overwhelming that man-made pollution is unnaturally effecting our climate. Yet the climate change deny-ers keep popping up as conservative political leaders and captains of industry. The agenda is crystal clear- those who deny climate change are folks who support industries that want to continue burning fossil fuels. If the data weren't enough- you know what happens when you sit in a closed garage with the car motor running, don't you? Then isn't it logical you would know when billions of motors and factories around the world are burning fossil fuels in the closed space of our atmosphere, it would have a negative effect? If you refuse to see the data, or think about the problem- you are a low information person. In the recent debate over contraception, the data is clear that lack of this medical service negatively impacts women's health and world population. Some politicians have another religiously based agenda on this topic. It's OK to have a religious agenda and seek office-BUT voters should avail themselves of information and not just blindly believe the political rhetoric. On the voter ID law in Texas that got me going- the facts are,  80 Counties in Texas don't even have the state office to issue the IDs the state itself requires. And those counties are disproportionally populated by Hispanics (U.S. citizens). That is information anyone can access. That is knowledge that informs me. There is not one documented case of an election being turned around by voter fraud in any election on any level. That is knowledge that informs me. I know voter fraud happens- but it is on such a small scale that it doesn't warrant the massive attempts to suppress voters with archaic ID laws. In Texas, 50 cases of individual voter fraud were found in a state that has a population of over 25 million. That is a fraction so small you'd need an electron microscope to see it. Yet some folks will believe in the pervasiveness of the issue, and that "we have to do something about this!"- even if it alienates big chunks of legitimate voters in the prcoess. Facts be damned!- and motives be hidden!

We have a Republican Presidential candidate who refers to college education and post high school education as snobbery. Rick Santorum has argued against ANY publicly financed schooling. Can you image- no public schools? Public schools are absolutely necessary to ensure democracy. Last week in Alabama and Mississippi, 52% of Republican voters believe President Obama is Muslim. These were the same folks who in 2008 criticized his 20 years in Rev. Wright's Christian church. Which is it? Muslim? This is just low information- and factually inaccurate.

We live an in age when beliefs have replaced knowledge. I don't think it's any accident. Disdain for information and critical thinking has coincided perfectly with the rise of conservative talk radio- the rise of Fox News and a host of people telling you to believe instead of think. It is a constant low-information drum beat of vitriol from the likes of Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage and the rest. I know there have been a few on the left who are guilty too. But when the right has ten times the radio programing as the left, the equivalency argument goes out the window. It is no wonder then, that discussions become heated and personal instead of thoughtful and informational. We are becoming indoctrinated into the language of hate. The acquisition of knowledge is an open-minded process- whereas the defense of a belief system is a close-minded process by its nature. This is inexcusable (and unexplainable)  in the era of information. With the widespread availability of raw information- ignorance becomes a choice, not a condition. There are plenty of issues over which good people can disagree and debate. The challenge of our society to elevate the debate with knowledge and information- not scream at each other from entrenched positions that don't allow the light of knowledge and information to penetrate.

Thanks for looking in.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Molly's Story: Part 2

It's been a couple of weeks since I last visited with Molly. You'll remember that she has allowed me to tell you about her journey through the next year as she battles with breast cancer. The story of her illness is unusual, but not unheard of. The unusual part is that she is just 34 years old. When I wrote Part 1, the family had just felt the pangs of another unfortunate event that coincided with the news and planning that had to be done for Molly's health; her husband Jeremy lost his job. So, the beginning of this story was one that could have been written in national headlines decrying the kinds of crisis people face when catastrophic illness intersects with a financial crisis.

It struck me, visiting with her, that this chapter isn't about the unbelievable coincidence of bad luck, played out against the backdrop of current events in our politics and our culture. This is just about Molly. It took me a couple of weeks to write this because I prefer to say something in these articles that expresses a different angle or point of view. But, after a couple of weeks thinking about finding an angle from which to tell this part of her story, I had to conclude there isn't one. It really is just about Molly.

We sat in her living room and talked about her life the last six weeks, since she began doing chemo therapy. She has always been one who could talk on and on, no matter what the topic. And this topic was no different. You have to know that Molly has always cut hair for a living- so talking became a natural outgrowth of her chosen profession. I was happy to see that her weekly intake of toxic poison hadn't dampened her spirit or driven her into a cave of self-pity. As always, our conversation was lively and very interesting to me. I had been around some older folks who had cancer- my mom being one- but I had never spoken to anyone on a personal, on-going level as they ran the gauntlet of chemo therapy. The people I knew didn't go through chemo.

Molly is about eight weeks into the first phase of treatment that will last 18 weeks in total. The regimen requires a week of very heavy treatments, followed by two weeks of treatment with lighter doses of the cancer drugs. The second phase will start right after she finishes the first, and that phase will last about 34 weeks. That's whole year of this stuff. When that part is done, she will have a mastectomy and begin the reconstructive surgeries. It seems from talking with her, that this phase is the most difficult to tolerate. I'm sure anyone who has gone through this can relate well to the effects of this brutal treatment. But, for me it was a revelation to see my young friend face this trial with such poise and resolve.

She described the effects this was having on her, physically and emotionally. There are the usual things one might expect. About two weeks into her treatment Molly lost her hair. She knew that was coming and was prepared. She even had the foresight to get a little cosmetic tattooing done ahead of time. Smart girl. There is nausea. That too was expected and she is learning how to deal with it. She went on to describe the other effects we don't hear about so often. She talked about how in the very beginning she was nearly incapacitated from severe bone and joint pain. At first she required help just to get around in the house. Fortunately that ugly side-effect subsided and now she is seeing the smaller issues come up. They aren't nearly as discouraging and painful as the first symptoms- but a "pain in the ass" as she put it. The chemo has dried her skin- weakened and cracked her nails clear through, and caused some sores to appear in her bare scalp. Hearing her describe these things in such matter-of-fact language confirmed to me that she has, and will continue, to cope with all this- and beat it in the end. She humbles me.

She admitted to some difficult moments. She talked about "hitting the wall" a few weeks ago. It was a time when the pain and round-the-clock discomfort made her believe she had to stop. She felt she just couldn't go back to sit in that chair whole days while these drugs were pumped in to her. She worked through her pain and discouragement and she is keeping up her fight. Molly talked about needing to stay in bed a lot because of the fatigue- but at the same time having her nighttime sleep disturbed. Lastly she talked about how her family is managing this difficult time.

Molly's mom is just getting past her own bout with breast cancer. Her mom cries often over her sense of guilt- thinking somehow this is her fault. It isn't rational to "feel" guilty about cancer- but a mother's deepest emotions about her children aren't about rational thoughts. In lots of ways Molly relies on her mother's experience to help her navigate through her own course. Molly's six year old daughter doesn't understand all of this entirely, but she knows her mom is sick. She spends  a lot of extra time nestled against her mom, trying to understand. Molly provides her daughter with all the explanations, reassurance, and security she can give.

As for Jeremy- he has been a steady loving support to Molly. In addition, he found a great new job only weeks after he lost his last job. (We still think his last employer sacked him because of the Molly's cancer insurance payments).  However, his new employment will provide the financial security the family needs. His new job provides health insurance benefits- and because of the Affordable Health Care Act Molly cannot be denied coverage. This development will go a long way towards keeping her spirits strong throughout this ordeal.

Friends continue to provide support and encouragement- but not with the same urgency and frequency as before. Molly remains grateful for any word of encouragement and knows full well who her friends are.

Part 2 of this story is the story of the long haul. This is about the many weeks of monotonous and uncomfortable hours to be endured in the course of treatment. From now on it will lack the epic quality of one defiant stand against this disease. It will be about the trudging, every day stands against the menace of cancer- the ones that demand even more courage. It also demands our respect and affection. To be continued................

Thanks for looking in.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Safety Net

A few weeks ago before the Republican Presidential candidates got all hung up trying to shrink government to a size small enough to fit inside a women's uterus, the gaff d'jour from Mitt Romney was his statement that he wasn't concerned about the poor in America. He explained that we don't need to worry about the poor because they have a "safety net". To further illustrate his ignorance (or lack of concern) he said "if  it needs fixing- I'll fix it"- as if he had no real idea that the safety net doesn't work very well for far too many Americans. Of course, he's not the only one.

 I'm showing you the images of a few people from my own community who have fallen through the safety net, some so confidently speak of. I should note that I live in a medium size city in the inland Pacific Northwest. It is by most standards a middle-class community that is largely dominated by service industries, agriculture and rail shipping. It is also a regional hub for the health care industry, and it contains a small Air Force base. Some high-tech manufacturing happens here, but far lass than during the late '90s and early 2000s. I live in average city. Yet, even in this average, all-American town there is abject poverty.

You will note that I have only pictured adults. These are images of destitute and homeless people who experience the Safety Net as mere threads to cling to during most days. I made the conscious  decision not to picture impoverished children and families because I believe it's improper to display children on the Internet. However, my work-day is filled with young families and young children who suffer the pains of poverty and hunger every bit as much as those you see here.  It was wasn't difficult at all to find the subjects of these photos. All I had to do was step on to the streets I travel everyday. They are always there-but they are not always seen.

This is only a small sample of the photos I could have taken to illustrate the ever deepening level of poverty in most of our cities and towns. For what ever you may think of these people who stand on the streets, I always try to think of them as some one's son or daughter- some one's mother or father- some one's sister or brother- or someone who once had a family with people who cared about them. Politicians from both sides of the aisle haven't done enough to recognize the pain that people like these experience everyday. They are a growing part of the fabric of our country and should be noticed.

I thank the men and women who allowed me to photograph them. The people pictured (who you see in close-up) are people I met and spoke with. I noticed that when I shook their hands each held on just an extra instant longer than most of us do. It stuck me that they probably don't get offered a hand shake very often. Their view of the safety net isn't very hopeful- I hope our view of the safety net will be more realistic than what is being expressed by some today. I hope that those who make public policy begin a real dialogue about them, and create a better world for them and our community.

Thanks for looking in. 

All Photographs by Dave Williams- DRW Images

Friday, March 2, 2012

What We Permit- We Promote

Normally I don't write about news events as they are happening. I prefer to think through an issue or event to be more confident that my thoughts are reasonable and sensible. But, for this one I don't need any more time. For this one my thoughts are crystal clear and have been since the moment I heard about this vile incident.

You may have noted that over the last few weeks the Republican candidates for President, several Republican state Legislatures, and our U.S. Senate have been arguing for legal controls on contraception and the ability of insurance companies to provide it. (some successfully- some not). If this wasn't an egregious enough assault on women's health care, the symbolic public leader of the Republican Party has called a woman who wanted to give congressional testimony supporting a woman's need for contraceptive and reproductive health care, a "slut". Rush Limbaugh used this vile language to describe a third year Georgetown law student as a slut and a prostitute because she thinks contraception is an important element in women's health care. He has gone on subsequently to say that if contraception is to be paid for on her behalf, that she should at least provide the public with sex tapes of her having sex- as some perverted form of pay-back.

There are so many things WRONG with Limbaugh's comments that I scarcely know where to begin. He has, in one fell swoop, insulted nearly every woman in this country. His misogynistic, hateful attack on this woman is an attack on all women. I can say that because we know that 99% of American women use or have used some form of contraception- and the overwhelming majority of all citizens believe it ought to be part of health care coverage. To say that makes you a promiscuous, slut is to say virtually all women are promiscuous sluts or whores. Aside from that, Limbaugh's attempt to once again cast women as the vessels of evil, has laughably demonstrated his lack of understanding about how contraception works. I won't quote him any more- for you can surely look it up on any news site to hear his hateful rant for yourself.

I don't think this about Limbaugh anymore. He has always been a racist, misogynistic, hateful man with questionable morals. The record on him is clear (but the reason for  his ratings still baffles me). Now this is about us. I ran across the phrase: What we permit- we promote, some time ago. This situation is one where the phrase fits very well. Now this is about whether we allow our political and social discourse to sink to this level without standing against it. If we permit this through our silence or our passive acquiescence, then aren't we promoting this kind of speech? I think we are. I will not accept that any one can bring our culture so low as to permit my wife, my daughters, my nieces, my cousins, or any woman to be called a slut because they seek  reproductive health care. Who are any of these men to make moral judgements anyway? Even if this woman was having  as much sexual conduct as the perverted mind of Limbaugh implied (just out of hatred) - why would it matter? We don't cast insults on men for their sexual activities. No problem getting Viagra through insurance for men- but let's use a woman's sexuality against her. Limbaugh has mastered this time-honored tactic used against women for ions. This hateful double-standard diminishes us all.

I have not seen one Republican leader fully denounce this attack. Speaker Boehner's spokesman made a luke-warm criticism. It's interesting that last Sunday Rick Santorum said that John F. Kennedy's landmark speech on church and state made him "want to vomit". Yet today Santorum causally dismissed the Limbaugh slur on women as, just entertainment. Romney-silence...  What is the matter with these men who want to lead us and the world? It is clear to me they do not have the courage or the common decency to seek our approval, or our vote. If this is a test of their character- their permission (through their silence) is surely a major failure of that test- and their promotion of the degradation of women. If this about moral questions on contraception, then are the Catholic Bishops willing to accept Limbaugh as their champion? They are standing silent too- while half their congregations are called sluts. Remember, 98% of Catholic women use contraception. Does the Church agree they are all sluts?

So, I urge people of conscience to take a stand. Do not promote this treatment of women by permitting it. Our First Amendment prohibits the government from impeding this kind of speech- but it doesn't stop us! We vote in lots of different ways. We vote with our ballots- we can also vote with our wallets- and with our ability to express ourselves publicly and privately. I, for one, will let my Republican Congresswoman know that I expect her to denounce these attacks. I, for one, will find out who sponsors his show and I will tell them I won't patronize their businesses. I, for one, will contact the local radio station that carries the show and ask them to remove it and contact any local sponsors and withdraw my patronage. Will my calls make a difference? NO! But many calls will make a difference.

This isn't about rabble-rousing. It is about making a statement in our democracy that says we're fed up. Over the last year a great deal has been accomplished by joining voices together and expressing our demand for change. I believe that our polarized political atmosphere will not produce the change we need on its own, so it's up to us to make change happen. If we can't get together on ridding our culture of the poison we saw this week, then we're in pretty bad shape. Remember- If we permit this, we promote it. Don't permit it!

Thanks for looking in.